Class Ref Class Name Class Winner 2nd Place 3rd Place Festival Year
PN 08 PN 06 Piano Solo (Pre Grade 1 & Grade 1) Alice Smith 2016
PN 10 PN 10 Piano Solo (Grade 8+) Dhananjay Senthil 2016
PN 10 PN 07 Piano Solo (Grade 2 & 3) Jennifer Clare 2016
PN 11 PN 08 Piano Solo (Grade 4 & 5) Amy Quinton 2016
PN 12 PN 12 Piano Solo Recital (15 yrs & under) Alex Taylor 2016
PN 12 PN 09 Piano Solo (Grade 6 & 7) Harry Taylor 2016
PN 13 PN 13 Senior Piano Solo Recital (16-20 yrs) Millie Flack 2016
PN 17 PN 11 Piano Solo Mini Recital (11yrs & under) Melisse Markesteijn 2016
PN 19 PN 38 Piano Duet (7 yrs & under Free Entry) Ioli Loyd & Flo9rence Clare 2016
PN 20 PN 15 Piano Solo Baroque Period 2016
PN 21 PN 41 Piano Duet (12 to 15 years) Rhe Varadarajan 2016
PN 21 PN 16 Piano Solo Classical Period Alice Smith 2016
PN 22 PN 17 Piano Solo Romantic Period Christopher Dunning 2016
PN 23 PN 18 Piano Solo Impressionist to Present Day Cathy Dong 2016
PN 25 PN 40 Piano Duet (8 to 11 yrs) Richard Worman 2016
PN 28 PN 42 Piano Duet (16 to 18 years) Mary Armitage 2016
PN 29 PN 29 Piano Solo (Bach) Yu Zhou Zhang 2016
PN 30 PN 30 Piano Solo (Chopin) Tom Simpson 2016
PN 32 PN 32 Piano Solo (Sonata) Charlie Knowler 2016
PN 33 PN 33 Piano Solo Recital Yu Zhou Zhang 2016