Class Ref Class Name Class Winner 2nd Place 3rd Place Festival Year
SS 362 SS 362 Group Devised Drama (Yrs 12 & 13) Connor Hammond, Ellie Ketteringham, Lily Wade. (Ipswich) 2014
SS 363 SS 363 Group Story-telling (9 yrs & under) The Oaks C.P. School. (Ipswich) 2014
SS 365 SS 365 Own Verse (11 yrs & under) Eddie Patterson (Kirton) 2014
SS 367 SS 367 Own Verse (17 yrs and over) Fred Rapsey (Ipswich) 2014
SS 368 SS 368 Sight Reading (9 yrs & under) Esmee Fox (Bury St Edmunds) 2014
SS 369 SS 369 Sight Reading (10 - 11 yrs) Charles Knowler (Wickhambrook) 2014
SS 370 SS 370 Sight Reading (12 - 13 yrs) James Phelan (Saxmundham) 2014
SS 371 SS 371 Sight Reading (14 - 15 yrs) Charlotte Sheehan (Ipswich) 2014
SS 373 SS 373 Duologue Poem (7 years & under Free Entry) Evelyn Saunders and Alice Sharratt (Woodbridge) 2014
SS 374 SS 374 Duologue Poem (8 - 9 years) Amber Franklin and Sukey Ridge (Woodbridge) 2014
SS 375 SS 375 Duologue Poem (10 - 11 years) Charlotte Jones and Elsa Pratt (Ipswich) 2014
SS 377 SS 377 Duologue Poem (14 - 15 years) Esmee Fox (Bury St Edmunds) 2014
SS 378 SS 378 Duologue Poem (16 years & over) Chloe Hind (Ipswich) 2014
SS 379 SS 379 Solo Acting (7 yrs & under Free Entry) Guy Seagers (Bredfield) 2014
SS 381 SS 381 Solo Acting (10-11 years) Charley Hewitt (Ipswich) 2014
SS 382 SS 382 Solo Acting (12 - 13 yrs) Charley Hewitt (Ipswich) 2014
SS 383 SS 383 Solo Acting (14 - 15 yrs) No class 2014
SS 385 SS 384 Solo Acting (16 years and over) Non - competitive. 2014
SS 389 SS 380 Solo Acting (8-9 years) Ellie Ketteringham (Ipswich) 2014