A guide to filming, uploading and submitting entries to the Suffolk Festival of Performing Arts
‘Virtual’ Festival 2021
This is a guide to help entrants submit video and other files for their Virtual Festival entry.
If you have a question which is not answered here please e-mail the festival on webmaster@suffolk-festival.org.uk
For 2021 participants are required to submit their videos to a video sharing platform such as YouTube or Vimeo.
Is there a certain video format or size I should record in?
You just need to make sure that the video is compatible with the video platform you are going to use.
What Information should I include
When you upload your video please give the title of the video as your name and the class number. Further details can be given in the description if you wish.
For Example: Jade Smith PN607
If your class has multiple performances you may either combine the videos into one video or submit multiple videos.
How do I upload my entry?
The video platforms have instructional videos on how to upload. e.g
For YouTube try this YouTubelink
and for Vimeo this Vimeo link
Please note if you wish your video to be private on Vimeo you will need a paid for Vimeo account.
How do I inform the festival the details of my video
Once you have uploaded your video/s please complete the VIDEO REGISTRATION FORM. (Make sure you tab through to the last page and press Submit). This allows you to send the details of your videos to the festival. When we receive your form we will check to make sure the video is accessible and that it identifies the performer and the class.
Can I change my video once submitted?
No, we can only accept a replacement video if there is a technical problem with the original submission.
What happens to my video/s during and after the Festival?
During the festival the link to the video will only be shared with the adjudicator and relevant Festival staff.
After the festival you may delete your video
In addition, all copies of Music and Speech documents provided will be deleted after adjudication.
I need to submit a copy of my pieces for a Music /Speech/Drama class. How do I do this?
All of the Music Sections require a copy of your pieces. These are to be emailed to the relevant sections:-
Music@suffolk-festival.org.uk (Instrumental, Organ & Piano)
Some Speech classes require copies of readings such as verse, poems and monologues to be provided.
These can be submitted as the following file types:
- .doc
- .jpeg (photo – but please make sure it is of high enough quality that the words can be clearly read.)
Please name the files PERFORMER NAME, CLASS NO, NAME OF PIECE, page no.filetype
e.g Jade Smith, PNV106 Bach prelude in e minor.pdf
These would be submitted at the same time as your video.
Can I enter the same class more than once?
In all sections you may not enter more than once in the same class, unless you are entering on a different instrument, in which case you may make more than one entry.
What about timing?
The timings given are a suggestion appropriate to your grade, however, if your recording exceeds the suggested times you will not be penalised but the adjudicator may not listen beyond the recommended times.
Does the recording standard impact on the marks?
There are no extra marks given for advanced camera work or high definition production. The main thing is that the adjudicator is able to see and hear the entrants clearly and fully in order to give the best feedback.
Dress Code
When producing your video, imagine you are performing in front of the adjudicator and dress appropriately.
When will I receive the adjudication and results
All being well we hope to get the results out after the end of the festival in October.